$30,000 Instant Asset Write-Off 2019

EOFY is coming.


The Federal Government recently announced the Instant Asset Write-off Expansion and Extension*.


This means businesses will be able to claim the write-off every time an asset under the $30,000 cap is purchased through to the cut-off date on June 30 2020.


Instant Asset Write-off is to accelerate the speed at which you can make deductions for those purchases. This deduction is then able to be claimed on your business’s tax return for that income year.


So. Take advantage of the write-off THIS financial year – make your asset purchase by 30 June 2019 and claim.


Visit the ATO website for more information – if you’re ready to buy, explore our website for products, or get in touch with our team using the contact form to discuss what’s available. 

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*Refer to the ATO website for full terms and conditions.

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