CET YES Plus LGA 15-Channel IAQ Monitor


YES Plus LGA is a multi-gas air quality monitoring and information recording instrument that simultaneously measures and records up to fifteen sensors. With more than 30 different plug and play sensors to select from, users can accurately monitor more within a single, easy to carry instrument.

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Product Details

The fifteen channel sensor capacity includes RH and temperature, allowing the YES Plus LGA to handle up to 12 additional plug & play sensors consisting of a maximum of eight electrochemical toxic gas or oxygen sensors, four high current draw sensors such as an infrared, PID or catalytic, and a remote YESDUST particulate sensor. The large, backlit, multi-line scrolling LCD display indicates the sensor types installed and measured values for each gas, battery status and more. The system utilizes a long life rechargeable NiMH battery pack providing more than 24-hours of run time, depending on sensor array installed. The user can also set one alarm level for each gas to activate the internal audible alarm. The system is housed in a rugged ABS enclosure with swivel handle to act as a stand support or for carrying the instrument.

An air sample from the target environment is delivered to the sensors through “active sampling” by the internal sample draw pump. More than a million data points can be logged and stored on a built-in SD flash card for convenience.

The optional YES Logger package consists of a 2 GB SD flash card, USB cable, YES Viewer software, and SD flash card reader. The SD flash card reader stores the data and can be transferred. Alternatively, data could be downloaded through the instrument using a standard USB connection. The YES Viewer PC software will allow users to analyze and graph data.


  • 15 sensor capacity
  • >30 plug & play sensor choices
  • Extensive, easy to use menu system
  • Rugged ABS enclosure with swivel handle acts as stand support
  • Internal sample pump with inline filter
  • Large, backlit, multi-line, LCD display
  • Data logging to SD flash card
  • Menu control positive sampling
  • RoHS compliant circuit boards


  • Residential Buildings
  • Commercial Buildings
  • Hospitals
  • Laboratories
  • Research Facilities
  • Parking Garages



CET YES Plus LGA Portable IAQ Monitoring System


CET YES Plus LGA Sampling Probe

CET YES Logger Package

CET YESViewer Software