Coltraco Portascanner® AIRTIGHT


The Portascanner® AIRTIGHT is Coltraco Ultrasonics’ most advanced ultrasonic air tightness testing tool. It can be used to locate and quantify even minor leak sites quickly, easily, and non-destructively. Records of all of your tests – including images of the test structure with leak sites clearly marked – are stored on the device and can be exported to an external drive at your convenience, all with an intuitive, touchscreen interface.


Product Details

The Portascanner® AIRTIGHT (Ultrasonic Airtightness, Leak Detection, Air Tightness Test, and Quantification System) is a powerful and unique handheld air tightness testing tool used to aid in ensuring a room, compartment or building is sufficiently airtight. It is the world’s first micro air-leak detector, which uses ultrasound to detect, identify and locate air leakage sites. On top of this, however, the Portascanner® AIRTIGHT is the first system of its type that can take this one step further and measure the physical extent of each individual leak site. It facilitates effective and efficient ventilation, filtration, and heating/cooling of the building. The use of Portascanner® AIRTIGHT promotes energy efficiency, indoor comfort and occupant health benefits. It is designed to deliver an effective ventilation strategy for buildings contributing towards Net Zero Strategy.


  • Identify leak sites with a microscopic level of accuracy
  • Measure and quantify leak sites and cross-sectional areas (mm²) using sophisticated algorithm
  • Generate a value for the air flow rate (m³/h) through each leak
  • Calculate the building or room’s overall air permeability (m³/h-m²) and Air change rate (ACH)
  • Easy to navigate interface
  • 7 inch touch screen LCD display, 8MP camera, USB drive stores photographic and quantitative data to generate traceable, exportable reports
  • Complement in multiple stages of the Door fan test/ pressurisation test where there are limitations: highly disruptive, intrusive, costly, unable to find where the leaks are and their extent
  • Help to find leaks that could not be found by traditional and alternate methods (thermal cameras, smoke pencils, anemometers, blower door/ door fan tests)
  • Air tightness testing tool to assist in failure diagnosis and periodic maintenance


  • Construction / built environment to facilitate controlled ventilation and occupant health
  • Cleanrooms / critical environments
  • Air tightness testing and measurement
  • Energy Efficiency- Passivhaus (Passive house) build
  • Room integrity (to complement Door fan test or Pressurisation test)
  • Component (e.g. door/window) manufacturing
  • HVAC areas
  • Building acoustics testing
  • Isolation areas
  • Quarantine areas
  • Cruise lines
  • Corridors e.g. shipping, offshore
  • Escape pods within mining


Setup & Operation

YouTube Video

Portascanner® AIRTIGHT 520 – How to Locate and Quantify a Leak

YouTube Video

Portascanner® AIRTIGHT 520 / Portascanner® COVID-19 – How to Use Instructional Video

YouTube Video

Portascanner® AIRTIGHT Demonstration at a Manhattan Fire House Project

YouTube Video