FlowCam 5000 Series Drinking Water Analysis Streamlined System


Introduced to the market in 2019, FlowCam 5000’s simplified design makes it accessible across industries and ensures that it is straightforward to implement into any lab setting. It is ideal for monitoring applications, process-specific monitoring applications, as well as for research and educational institutions.

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  • Magnification: single objective (select one magnification: 2X, 4X, 10X, or 20X)
  • Camera resolution: 1920 x 1200 pixels, available in color and monochrome
  • Minimum sample volume of 100 µl
  • Manual focus capability


  • Monitor taste and odor algae and cyanobacteria in source water
  • Detect filter-fouling diatoms
  • Calculate concentration of each taxa
  • Monitor filter performance
  • Count and measure any particle in a water sample (e.g. sediment)
  • Analyze freshwater and marine samples