FlowCam Biologics Dynamic Imaging Particle Analyser (discontinued)


This product was discontinued on 09/04/2018.


Using the proven industry-leading image quality found in the FlowCam VS Series, the FlowCam Biologics Dynamic Imaging Particle Analyser is a dynamic imaging particle analysis system completely optimised for the analysis of sub-visible particulates in protein therapeutics.



  • Industry-leading image quality – better images yield better measurements
  • Higher sensitivity – prevents under-counting of transparent particles and fractionation of larger protein aggregates
  • Includes pre-built filters for USP <788> reporting and silicone droplet isolation, 21CFR software, installation/training (including IQ/OQ), disposable pipette-tip sample introduction and all system settings optimised for biologics
  • Allows automated, trainable, statistically-based pattern recognition – saves time by isolating different types of particles (intrinsic, extrinsic and inherent) into categories and sub-populations


  • Detection & measurement of protein aggregates and other paticulates
  • Formulation research & development
  • QC diagnostics
  • Stability studies and shelf-life simulation