SwisensPoleno Mars Real-Time Pollen Monitor


SwisensPoleno Mars is the latest generation of real-time pollen monitors on the market. Thanks to its technology and network compatibility, SwisensPoleno Mars enables fully autonomous and stable long-term measurement of local pollen concentrations. SwisensPoleno Mars combines the measurement methods of digital holography with artificial intelligence and transparent data analysis to a reliable measurement system for automatic measurement and identification of pollen.


Product Details

Developed as future standard in real-time pollen monitoring.


Stable long-term measurement
Reliably measure and identify local pollen concentrations in real time. High availability thanks to robust design and high-quality technology.


Unsurpassed quality
Digital holography revolutionizes automated pollen monitoring. Proven key technology continues on its path.


Core element of the network solution
Designed for network use with low maintenance operation. Meets the requirements for autonomous monitoring of pollen concentrations.


Compact lightweight
Suitable for roof installation with low payload. Can be integrated into existing measuring stations due to compact design.

SwisensPoleno Mars measurement method:

  • Holographic images
  • Pollen identification with machine learning


  • Particle classes within 2 – 300µm
  • Air sampling volume 40l/min
  • Sigma-2 geometry sample inlet
  • Integrated particle concentrator
  • High temporal resolution of local pollen concentrations
  • Non-invasive measurement method
  • Immediate verification of identification results
  • Fully remote operation, configuration and updates
  • Fast and easy installation


  • Pollen monitoring



YouTube Video

Automatic pollen monitoring system – quick assembly with a wink of the eye



Swisens Atomizer


